Current Goal: Training for a 1/2 Marathon in November!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh hi there.

Oh hi.
I kinda fell off the face of the earth but im going to attempt a weekly post.
I am officially DIVORCED.

Which means I have to work and cant spend 2 hours in the gym rockin my body & running.
HOWEVER, I refuse to let being a single full time working mom & student prevent me from mainting and making my body better and healthier

I did complete my 1.2 marathon in November in outstanding time. I was in the top 1% of woman and finished in 1h45 minutes. That is a great accomplishment I am ever so proud of. I have only raced once since then unfortunately but asd soon as this not so hot weather rolls out, my booty is out for my long distance runs. I completed the Spartan Sprint in Malibu Calafornia and that was my toughest race yet!!!

Its taken me a while but im figuring how to juggle work - school - children - and the gym.
Began a paleo lifestyle as much as possible, low to no gluten free diet, and no processed food. I have eliminated most dairy & it feels great to continue eating healthy.

Besides my once in the blue moon night of tequila I stick to water only! Eating healthy is so rewarding.

I hope to be able to post more and continue to encourage you to work out and make goals!

Next race is APRIL 21ST. The Warrior dash and I am stoked!

Friday, September 9, 2011

super sets

sorry my caps button isnt working. i need a new keyboard.
anyway, super sets.

since im thinking i pretty much hit a plateau in my work outs, and my body i have connected witha trainer and been working out with them. i have always wanted to get into the weights and weight machines but been intimidated. ill lift weights in class no problem but the idea of me trying to figure it all out on my own scares me... anyway, i feel like this is really gonna get me to the next level!

here are some more pics from the race this labor day!
my body is transforming!!! earn your body.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Oh shucks

I've been slacking, BUT NOT ON MY FITNESS, just on posting!

Today I went out of my comfort zone and completed a 15k, (9.3 miles)! I skipped the 10K completely and went for it. Go big or go home right. I was nervous, being there were over 2000+ participants! Felt awesome. The freaking running community is awesome and I love every minute of a race, before and after.

My plan was the pace myself at 9 minute mile, since it was a longer race. HA! My feet for some reason today had other plans. I paced myself at an amazing 7 min 31 seconds. Faster than my 5K fastest pace. I was in shock. I saw several young girls ahead of me, thinking my chances of placing were pretty slim, I managed to place 3rd over my age group and 90TH over all. Now thats rewarding.

Meeting other runners, all ages makes me realize I found my niche, and this is something I am going to hold onto. The oldest man running was 84! 84 YEARS OLD, and going strong. Amazing to see peoples determination!

I dont have the professional pictures yet but here are some from my phone.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Feel Good

Nothing feels better than receiving an encouraging message from others about how my running has inspired them to start. 
Do I make it sound as good as it feels?! Guess so. This was a message sent to me yesterday:

You are inspiring me to become a runner :) I'm not very good at pushing myself, so having someone to encourage me on would help. I wish we were neighbors!

Let me tell you that tickled me pink! And here's another encouraging message I got as well 

I wish you well in everything you do. it's awesome to see someone so focused. You create a lot of passion inspiration and people around you. That's a very special gift to have.

So its working, I'm sharing my passion for running and exercise and people are inspired. Id say that's pretty rewarding!

Now, to start a group run once a week near my house for those who say they "CAN'T" run. 
People assume that because you're not a runner or never been a runner that you cant run. I beg to differ.
3 weeks ago I had never been on a group run, or ran more than 6 miles on a tread mill (dread mill) Yesterday, I did 10 miles, with a group, and barely broke a sweat, with no music! 
With hard work and determination you can do anything you set your mind to

Saturday, August 20, 2011

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."  John Bingham

double digets

Hit it, and done by 745 am! It was a breeze!
I know I could have gone at least 2 more miles, but I'm not going to push it!

I am super confident that I will be to the 13 miles very, very soon.

I freaking did it. And it felt good. Goosebumps all over when I saw the finish, and let me tell you that last mile always feels amazing, your so close, you get a rush of energy to push it and give it your all to the end! And I was able to share that with a friend who I have been bugging to come run with me.

We met at 530 am to start, and I got a text saying "I'M HERE"! I smiled big, cause I didn't know she was coming! I was so excited to share my passion with someone else and hit a milestone in distance as well. She is a runner but this was her longest distance as well. She will be running the 1/2 Marathon with me in San Antonio, as well as the other guy we ran with this morning. I think we will make a good team!
So stoked. All smiles. I can do this. I will do this. I am confident next year this time, I will be saying the same about a full marathon! Hope you follow me in my journey to get my 26.2 mile bumper sticker!

If only I could share the feel good feeling I get with others to motivate them to start this amazing hobby!
Have a fabulous day!